Tuesday, May 10, 2011


          Among the many complicated things to note manager cities in the world, there is one thing that often escape the attention, the green open space (green space) Every city in the world of fun to build housing, offices, shopping centers and so forth. The mayor often unaware about the importance of green open space, but this is kta lungs and reach the public space for comfort.         Lihtalah a number of cities in continental Africa and Asia, including Southeast Asia, generally do not bother on this issue. The result can diterbak, wara feel cramped, and do not have enough space to play. A number of mayors have always thought that a great mayor is the mayor who is able to build housing, apartments dn skyscrapers as much as possible. He did not know that the area of ​​green open space becomes the main criteria for appropriateness of an inhabited city.
        City of Paris, just to mention an example, mempunyuai green open space area of ​​38 percent. No wonder this city is very convenient, both for residents as well as for travelers who come from all over the world. Or a fantastic London, has a vast green open space that is 39 percent. Beijing, capital of the PRC is very bad, it turns out to have 39 percent green space. Another city worth mentioning is the Melbourne area of ​​37 percent, Singapore 37 percent, 35 percent Copenhagen, Sydney 29 per cent. New York City called one of the world city that has so many buildings, 25.2 percent of the city is green open space.

           We do not have to wonder kalu menajdi those cities of the world tourist destination. In Paris for example, it is easy to see various species of birds gathered there with a very free. Birds, squirrels, bats, cats, even a turtle can crawl very safe in the parks that world-class city. Citizens of the world sitting in city parks are often also witnessed a number of men and women sang tuneful, there. There are also a number of young men playing musical instruments. Very comfortable and peaceful atmosphere.
If we compare with the cities in Indonesia, we may stroking his chest. Poor old now beginning to cool and heat, green space was only four per cent, worth more and feel more heat. Then Makassar, the coastal city that the average temperature is 35-36 degrees Celsius, its green space is not more than five percent. Mayor seemed fun to build shophouses and neglectful of green open space. and green space is only five percent of Palembang, Medan eight percent, nine percent of Surabaya and Jakarta 9.79 percent. DKI Jakarta "helped" by the presence of the monument, east parkirt Senayan, Semanggi area, the former stadium Menteng.
Other cities recorded the percentage of large green space area. See for example the city of Solo, RTH its not bad for a standard which is 16 percent of Indonesia and Bogor 19.32 per se. Bogor "helped" by the presence of the Bogor Botanical Gardens are cool.

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