Monday, May 9, 2011

Bedroom Decorating for Teens

          When your child is growing into a teenager, element - the element of furniture and accessories in the bedroom decor might seem no longer suitable, and whether all this then should be discarded and replaced with new? Here are some possible ways you can do to overcome it.           First of all, do not throw furniture in the bedroom which has not been damaged. You may be able to provide an exciting new look with some paint and a new button. Before you start all these steps, you should know the theme teen bedroom design of your child.           Design styles for teen bedroom which is currently in vogue among others, retro, modern and minimalist design. Teenagers really taste pretty good design and spacious (perhaps because of the influence of TV and information). But not to worry, because you can design a space that is really - really neat just to add some new accents. Of course, your teen may need a new desk to do their school work especially if the old furniture was no longer support even been broken.           Fortunately, you do not have to spend a lot of budget for each accent on youth bedroom because most of the Household Furniture stores often offer a few accessories and furniture for the room decor tidurremaja. You can buy inexpensive shelves, or make your own, and used it to put all their goods which are usually just a mess on the floor. This will help the room look neat.          You also can give the impression of cold, cool and fresh in the bedroom teens with paint colors like chocolate, sage or purple accents and use one side of the wall as a focal point. A flokati cloth or carpet will also make a nice decoration on the bedroom floor of a teenager.
          The bed can be plain or patterned adolescent specific, depending on the taste of each teen. Decor accents that can be added to room rates and teenage girls is provide space for privacy.

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